In September 2024, global leaders will convene in New York to establish a renewed international consensus. The Future Summit, one of the year’s most significant global gatherings, aims to deliver an outcome-driven document known as the Compact for the Future. This initiative is designed to create a more resilient world and international system, equipping humanity and future generations to tackle present and upcoming challenges effectively.

These are the topics: 

Global Warning

  • 171 countries signed the Paris Agreement in 2015, committing to limit global temperature rise below 2°C, with an aim of 1.5°C, while COP28’s “UAE Consensus” marked a historic push towards phasing out fossil fuels to combat climate change and its impact on food security.

Waste pollution

  • Humanity produces 2.3 billion tonnes of waste annually, with 2.7 billion people lacking waste collection services. Waste pollution exacerbates climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution, and without urgent action, global waste could reach 3.8 billion tonnes by 2050. There’s no alternative planet, so urgent and determined action is needed to secure a sustainable future

3ZeroClub – The Global Youth Network by Professor Muhammad Yunus

  • The 3ZERO Club, inspired by Nobel Peace Laureate Muhammad Yunus, aims to create a world with zero carbon emissions, zero wealth concentration, and zero unemployment by fostering entrepreneurship. This global youth initiative, with over 4,000 clubs and 20,000 participants, empowers young people to contribute innovative solutions towards achieving these goals.

Innovations in Technology

  • The rapid advancement of technology, particularly in energy, digital, and intelligent fields, is transforming human life and production. Big data and AI are reshaping global politics, economy, and society, while also presenting risks such as ethical concerns and employment impacts. To maximize benefits and manage challenges, stronger research and improved technological governance are essential.

Global Cooperation

  • Humanity faces severe global threats like poverty, inequality, conflict, climate change, and technological impacts, alongside existential risks. However, with well-managed advances in knowledge and technology, there is potential for a better future. These challenges surpass the ability of any single nation to solve, requiring strong international cooperation to protect both current and future generations.

Program Agenda

High-Level Opening Remarks and Keynote [45 mins]

Moderator: Mr. Dominique V. Dauster, Global Committee on Social Business for Sustainable Development Goals, Managing Director, Yunus&You – The YY Foundation

  • Hon. Professor Muhammad Yunus, Chief Adviser, The Government of The People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Nobel Peace Laureate, UN SDG Advocate Alumni, Member of the UN Advisory Board of Eminent Persons on Zero Waste
  • Hon. Mark Stephen Brown, The Prime Minister of Cook Islands
  • H.E. Pedro Lopes, Secretary of State for Digital Economy,
    The Government of Cabo Verde
  • H.E. Chief Uche Geoffrey Nnaji, Minister of Innovation, Science
    and Technology, the Federal Republic Nigeria
  • H.E. Prof. Qu Dongyu, Director-General, FAO

Our Solidarity for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals and Building a World of Three Zeros [45 mins]

Moderator: Mr. Alex Wang, Managing Director, Global Committee on Social Business, for Sustainable Development Goals

  • Lamiya Morshed, Principal Coordinator for SDGs Affairs Government of The People’s Republic of Bangladesh
  • James Chau, President, China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), World Health Organization Goodwill Ambassador
  • Monica Yunus, Co-founder, Sing for Hope
  • Camille Zamora, Co-founder, Sing for Hope
  • Christina Jaeger, Co-founder, Yunus Environment Hub
  • Darius Maleki, Vice-Chairman, INGLOSUS Foundation
  • Tazin Shadid, Chairman, YY Ventures
  • Christian Vanizette, Obama Scholar, Co-founder MakeSense and Chili